OMC! (Only Maine Coons Rescue) accepts Maine Coon /Maine Coon Mix cat/kittens. If you are not sure if your cat is a Maine Coon, send us a picture at
OMC will help you place your Maine Coon cat in a new home. We have two different options available.
Our first option is to list your cat on our website as needing a home. The cat would stay where it is and all interest in them would come directly to you. You will interview interested parties, and you will be able to decide where your cat goes. Our volunteers will created a bio for the listing and we will provide a guide to help you with screening potential adopters. Our Request to Place Manager will be available to help you during the process. We ask for a minimum $25.00 donation (or more if you wish) for this service. If you are with another rescue or shelter, the service will be provided for free. Make Donation Here
Our second option would be for OMC! to take your cat into rescue. If OMC! has an available foster home in your area, we would be happy to take your cat. Once you sign over your cat to OMC!, we will screen all interested adopters and then place them in their new home. Your cat must be up-to-date with all of their shots, have been combo tested negative for FIV/FELV and be spayed or neutered in order for us to take them into our foster program.
OMC! asks for a donation of $200.00. Make Donation Here If you are with another rescue or shelter, the service will be provided for free as long as the kitty is current with vetting.
Please email any proof of vetting after submitting this application. It is required for us to proceed with your request. Any questions or concerns, please contact us at
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Is cat a purebred Maine Coon that came from a breeder or a mix from other source? * Choose one: Cat is a Purebred with papers Cat is a Purebred without papers Cat is a Maine Coon Mix Cat is not a Maine Coon
Did you reach out to the breeder? *
What is the cats name?*
Cat Age* Choose one: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13+
Male or Female* Choose one: Male Female
What color is the cat? *
Cat eye color * Choose one: Amber Blue Bronze Brown Copper Dichroic multi colored eyes Gold Green Hazel Odd-colored Eyes each eye different color Orange Yellow
Location of Cat: Is cat safe indoors or living outside?*
Is cat current with vaccines? * Choose one: Vaccines are current Vaccines are not current
Has cat been tested for Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus( Combo Tested)?* Choose one: Cat has been combo tested and is Negative Cat has been combo tested and is Positive Cat has not been combo tested
Is cat spayed/neutered? * Choose one: Cat is spayed/neutered Cat is NOT spayed/neutered
IS cat declawed?* Choose one: Cat is declawed Cat is NOT declawed
Cats Personality? Choose all that apply
Cat may be place with any of the following. Choose all that apply
Can cat be placed with other cats/dogs? Please explain yes or no answer.*
Can cat be picked up and held?* Choose one: Cat is total lap cat Cat can be picked up/held long term Cat can be picked up/held short term Cat can not be picked up/held at all
Has Cat bitten anyone? Please explain in detail.*
Please list any and all behavioral issues, positive and negative.*
Please tell us about your cat, all the fun facts and details.*
Why are you rehoming this cat?*
What kind of help do you need?
How much time does kitty have until they become homeless? *
Will they end up at a shelter if placement cannot be found by deadline?* Choose one: Cat will end up in shelter if not placed Cat will be put out on streets if not placed Cat will be safe with us until a home is found other
How did you find us?*
Featured Coonie